The Cybersecurity Awareness Blog

The Importance of Data Classification

Discover the significance of data classification and how it can benefit your business.

Common Data Protection Challenges in Cybersecurity

Discover the common challenges faced in protecting data in the cybersecurity landscape and the strategies to overcome them.

How to Build a Security Education Training and Awareness Program (+FAQs)

Every day, companies face the risk of a cyberbreach. Cybercriminals constantly seek ways to breach cybersecurity measures for their own ends—whether that’s financial gain, to make a political statement, or steal data for some other entity’s benefit.

How to Stop Phishing Attacks with Phishing Simulations

Phishing attacks are an ever-present cyber threat for businesses of all sizes and industries. According to data cited by Small Business Trends, “1 in every 99 emails is a phishing attack. And this amounts to 4.8 emails per employee in a five-day...

What Does Having a Cybersecure Culture Mean to Your Business?

Over the years, the members of the ideaBOX team have seen many companies that thought they had a good grasp of their cybersecurity—only to fall victim to a cyberattack. In many cases, this is the inciting incident that brings them to ideaBOX.

PCI DSS Definition: What It Is and Why It Matters

There are numerous regulations that companies in different industries have to contend with as a natural part of doing business. One compliance standard that virtually any company that seeks to process payment card data must follow is PCI DSS (The...

What Do MSSPs Do to Protect Your Company?

Every day, cybercriminals carry out attacks against targets of all sizes and industries. Worse yet, cyberattack strategies are constantly evolving. To contend with modern cyber threats, it is crucial that every business has strong cybersecurity.

Why Should You Work on Your Cyber Risk Management Strategy?

Risk management is a key part of any business strategy. Companies of all sizes have to measure the risks they face, determine what their acceptable level of risk is, and create strategies to minimize various risks and their impacts. Failing to...

What Is IT Asset Management and Why Should You Care?

Virtually every business has an IT asset of some kind. From the smallest “mom and pop” grocery store to the biggest multinational conglomerates, you will find all types of digital devices, cloud-based tools, on-prem software, and more. In short,...

The Top 4 Network Security Issues and Their Quick Fixes

In network security planning, it’s important to find the biggest network security issues that can be fixed with the least amount of time and effort. Fixing major security flaws in your network helps to prevent cyberbreaches by closing potential...